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Those strands of silver can really creep up on you. It seems like one day you look in the mirror and there they are. Quite often the first place they show up is in your beard. The first reaction of many men is to simply shave it off, but you don’t need to. We can turn back  time and make you look years younger with color balancing.

Why Not Just Shave?

Aside from the fact that you grew your beard for a reason (you like it), there is another reason you might consider covering the grays rather than removing them. You see, as men age when they put on a little weight it tends to go to the stomach and the face. A neatly trimmed beard will hide this, as well as any lines around the mouth to give you a more youthful look. Facial hair can draw attention away from a receding hairline as well.

Boost Your Confidence 

When you are happy with the way you look your confidence soars, and a confident man is more likely to be successful. Whether it’s on the job or in your personal life, presenting a confident appearance can make all the difference. Approaching the situation with confidence will go a long way towards getting that promotion, a yes to that date, or whatever it is you’ve set your mind to.

A Chance to Try Something New

Color balancing blends the gray in with your natural hair color to make it seem to just disappear. But you’re not limited to just returning to your original color. If you’re feeling a bit more daring, this is a chance to be bold and try something new with a full color change while covering the grays.

Book your appointment at rafiel’s studio today. Our professional stylists are ready to help you seemingly turn back the hands of time and shave years off your appearance. Visit us at 2927 N High St in Columbus, or call 614-784-1177. If you prefer, you can also book your appointment online.To manage your appointments on your mobile device, try our free mobile app available for download from iTunes, Amazon, or Google Play.